Monday 30 October 2017

First Unicorn Ever Seen On Earth

This is my fun made up newspaper article.
Maybe you could try writing some fake news too.
By Ava R

Friday 28 July 2017

El Grego Show

On the 26th of July, El Grego came to Hoon Hay School with his assistant/wife Sue. They did the You've got the Power show. They had brought heaps of animals, such as two rabbits, an African grey parrot and lots of other parrots. His show was mainly about standing up to stop bullying and be a school hero. This was the poem he had to help us remember it:


and this time he added one extra one:


My favourite trick he did was when they had found a boy in the school and he had been all measured up ready for the trick. The boy (his name was Simon) was put into a box with flaps and only his legs and face stuck out the ends. El Grego then closed the box and said a magic word and then when he lifted up the middle flap,  Simon's middle had gone! My second favourite trick was when he got one of his parrots and then put it into a box. The box was on the table and then when he lifted the box up and the bird was gone! Then after that he explained that inside the table there was actually a cage (the table was covered with a blanket) and when the bird had gone into the box, the box was actually covering the trap door that the bird had been trained to open! 

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Crazy Hair Day

On Tuesday the 4th of July, Hoon Hay School had Crazy Hair Day fundraising for the S.P.C.A. Instead of bringing a gold coin like we usually do we had to bring in a can of pet food. Here are some photos of Room 21 Blake's Boat Sheds wacky hair!

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Melvin the sad(ish) robot writing

Room 21 Blake's Boat Shed entered a competition to write a story about a robot called Melvin the Sad(ish) Robot who is from a series of stories that a author from England wrote and this is what I wrote. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Dear Diary,
I am Melvin Roboto and I am 10 years old. I have been waiting at this bus stop for over 2 hours because the last school bus came at exactly 12:30 pm. Now according to my watch it is exactly 2:30 {pm}. When the last bus came the bus driver asked me for something called ‘munny’ {I’m not sure how it is spelt but that’s the best I can do} and I told him I didn’t have any munny but he said “Without munny you can’t go on this bus so you might as well run along home to your Mummy. Later!” and he left without me which made me very upset. I am getting very hungry because at my house it would usually be afternoon tea time so if you’ll excuse me, I am just going to look in my briefcase for a snack.

Dear Fantastic Diary,
You will never guess what I just found in my briefcase that I had forgotten about… MY CELLPHONE! Now I can ring my Dad and he can drive me home! Did you know that my Dad is something that the humans call a ‘robotic car’ because there is no human driver and a robot drives it instead. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have a younger sister. Her name is Michelle and she is 8 years old and she is a dancer. She can be really annoying sometimes like coming into my room without asking.. But did you know that I have never told you the main reason why I was at this bus stop in the first place. Well, this morning before school my Dad had said that he would pick me up from the school gates but then during lunchtime he texted me and said that he wouldn’t be able to pick me up because he has to take Michelle to a dance exam. So that is why I have been waiting at this bus stop for so long.

Dear Amazing Diary,
I just rung my Dad to ask him if he could come and pick me up while Michelle was still dancing at her but he said Michelle’s dance teachers had said that the parents had to stay and watch their children dance so he said that he would ring Mum and ask her and I haven't heard from him since.
Wait a sec, Did I just hear my phone ring? It must be Dad ringing about Mum! Sorry Diary gotta go.

Dear Marvellous Diary,
Would you like to hear the bad news or good news first? Ok I’ll take that as bad. Well the bad news is that my Mum isn’t able to pick me up. The good news is that Mum said that I could stay at Uncle Daniel’s house which is just 2 blocks away so I better start my walk there. I promise to write when I get there.

Dear Awesome Diary,
I have arrived safely at Uncle Daniel's house and I haven't broken my promise which means I am a trustworthy and responsible robot. Can you guess where I am staying at Uncle Daniel's house? Yes you guessed it! I am staying in the attic room. In the attic room there is a spare bed, a chair, a dresser and a mirror. Luckily I am only staying at Uncle Daniel’s house for one night so I might as well get some sleep because according to my watch it is 10:39 pm which at home usually is bedtime. See you in the morning Diary. Sweet dreams. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - my snores.

Dear Great Diary
It is 8:30 am which at my house is usually the time that I wake up. Beep, Beep, oh wait a second, that must have been my phone. It says my Mum texted and said that she is going to come and pick me up at 11:30. Yay! I will finally get home and see Dad and Mum! I am also a little teensy eensy weensy excited to see Michelle as well. Like this little. Mmmmmm! What’s that delicious smell coming from the kitchen downstairs? Ohhh, wait a sec! I think it is bacon and eggs. Uncle Daniel makes the best bacon and eggs!! The smell makes my tummy rumble. “Melvin, it’s breakfast time.” That must be Uncle Melvin! Gotta go!

Dear Fabulous Diary,
Uncle Daniel’s bacon and eggs were delicious {as always}! I am just about to pack my briefcase so I am all ready for Mum to pick me up at 11:30. Speaking of the time I might as well check my watch now. Oh my goodness! Is it already 11:15! I better get packing my briefcase! Talk to you when I get home.

Dear Amazing Diary,
I am so pleased to be back home. Right now I am on the top bunk of my bunk bed in my bedroom. I can hear Michelle’s radio playing “Can’t Stop the Feeling” By Justin Timberlake in the bedroom next to mine even though my door is shut. Do you want to know what my family had for dinner? We had the most delicious spaghetti and meatballs made by my dad himself. You are the best Diary in the whole world. Sweet dreams Diary.

                             THE END

Thank you for reading it. I hope you liked it!

Chapter chat

In Term 2 Blake's Boat Shed we took part in Chapter Chat.  We read a story called 'Ms Bixbys Last Day' and the story is about three boys Brand, Topher and Steve who have a teacher Ms Bixby and she gets cancer. We were given activities to do based on the book and every Friday we went onto Twitter and posted pictures of the activities we did that week. Here are all the chapter chats I did I hope you enjoy looking and reading it.

Bubblegum Writing

Room 21 Blake's Boat Shed did bubblegum writing. We got to chew a piece of Hubba Bubba strawberry flavoured piece of bubblegum so we could chew it and blow bubbles while we wrote. Here is my writing. The red coloured words are bits that I have recrafted. I hope you enjoy it.

Haiku Poem about bubblegum
Blow, blow bubblegum
Blow some bubbles you’ll have fun!
One rule, don’t swallow!

 How to Blow a Bubble with Bubblegum
What you will need:
A mouth {to put it in}
Teeth {to chew it}
Tongue {to blow bubbles}

Steps how to:
  • Step 1: Put the bubblegum in your mouth.
  • Step 2: Chew until it feels smooth in your mouth.
  • Step 3: Press it flat against the tip of your tongue.
  • Step 4: Carefully push your tongue into the bubblegum.
  • Step 5: Now all you have to do is simply blow and you should have the perfect bubble.
  Rhyming poem

Sticky, pink and chewy
Beware, I can be gooey
But don’t throw me in the bin,
Because it won’t make me grin 😞 !
If you blow me I will pop
But make sure you don’t hop
Or you will feel sick
And you will have to race home quick!
Hubba Bubba Strawberry flavour,
Buy me at your local dairy and you’ll do me a favour.

Thank you for reading it. I hope you liked it!

ANZAC writing

In Blake's Boat-shed room 21 we did ANZAC writing imagining we were soldiers fighting in World War 1. Here is my ANZAC poem and diary:

1.5.17                ANZAC poem

I hear bombs exploding and people screaming.
I smell the bread and meat that were just brought to our bunker.
I feel frightened and scared.
I wonder when all the noise will stop.

I hear people who are injured groaning.
I smell gunfire that smells like popcorn.
I feel thirsty, but I am trying to avoid the hot water.
I wondered if I would survive the whole time.

                                        ANZAC diary

My spine felt a tingly feeling. I was frightened to leave the bunker but I knew it was my duty.  I hurried out with my sniper close to hand but the peace didn’t last long.

When I woke up I found myself in a ward bed at the nursing hospital. There were nurses rushing all around me. I could hear beeping machines above all of the other ward beds including mine.

Suddenly a nurse came up to me and said, “Oh good, Simon you’re awake. My name is Pippa Smith.”  I said “ Where am I? I have to get out of here and fight for my country until this terrible war ends. Bye, thank you very much Pippa.” I replied as I hurriedly raced out of the uncomfortable, crowded and unfamiliar place. Pippa looked at me confusedly and said “ Woh, woh, woh you are not going anywhere until your leg has healed! And well, you are in the war nursing hospital and of course you are right about fighting in this horrible war for your country, but right now the other New Zealand and Australian soldiers are fighting for your country as well and you’re welcome for saving your life out there.” Pippa said out of breath. As she caught her breath from her speedily quick mini speech I  stared at my leg surprisingly in amazement. Oh, so this was how I ended up here and it explains how I got knocked out as well. I thought.